Meet CJ Finnical

My City

Whitefish, Montana

My Hobbies

Hiking • Snowboarding • Cross-Country Skiing • Camping • Paddleboarding • Biking

Health & Wellness

Holistic Living • Non-Toxic Living • Cellular Health • Eco-Friendly Advocacy

Animals & Nature

Dog Lover (Vizslas!) • Gardening

My Super Power

My unwavering commitment to seek truth and take action to help others • Asking the tough questions • Living by my beliefs • Fostering understanding • Driving meaningful change.

Hi, I'm CJ...


I’ve always been curious—always asking the big questions, digging to understand why things are the way they are. I’ve never been one to just accept things at face value. Ass a kid, this curious spirit showed up in quiet ways. In my family of six, I wasn’t the loudest voice in the room. I was the “great listener,” the “quiet one”—but I was always paying attention, always figuring things out in my own way. I marched to the beat of my own drum (even if it was a little softer than most!).

My relentless quest for answers has led me down some wild, unexpected paths.

Today, I’m obsessed with digging into the why behind health challenges, and more than that, helping people discover real, life-changing solutions that tap into the body’s incredible ability to heal itself.

There’s always an answer—it’s just a matter of finding it. And that’s exactly what I love to do.

My Reason

For years, I struggled with shortness of breath—whether it was hiking, mountain biking (which I gave up two years ago because of my breathing issues), or even climbing a single flight of stairs.

I went through allergy testing, spirometry tests, breathing exercises and inhalers, but nothing seemed to help. Doctors couldn’t find anything wrong, which only added to my frustration. I would tell my husband, “It feels like my legs just aren’t getting enough oxygen.”

At the same time, he was fighting his own battle—staying in remission from stage 4 lymphoma.

Struck Gold!

I knew something was off with my own health, but my priority was giving my husband the best shot at staying in remission. So, I kept digging, researching, and refusing to settle.

And then—I found it, Redox Molecules!

Something that actually addressed the root cause of health challenges. I couldn’t believe it!

Not just at the cellular level—but deep inside the cells themselves! That’s where things had gone completely off the rails! Everything finally started to make sense!

By replenishing what our bodies naturally produce, redox molecules have helped me breathe easier and feel more energized—it's like I’m finally getting the oxygen I’ve needed! And they’ve been a game-changer for my husband too, playing a huge role in helping him stay strong and thriving in remission.

As we age, our cells don’t work as efficiently as they used to—but when you give the body the right support, it knows exactly how to heal and repair itself. This has completely changed our lives.

Learn More

If you want more information, ask questions or maybe want to know how to get started please book a quick call with me here:

Wishing you all the best on your health journey!

Sincerely, CJ

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